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Grace House embarked on an 8-day mission trip to Jalapa, Guatemala, on June 18-25, 2024, with 22 people on the team.  They were involved in many different kinds of ministry, including:

 Ministered to 325+ people, including adults and children, in 2 very poor mountain villages.  This included games, facepainting, basketball, crafts, and a Bible story with the children, and testimonies and personal prayer for the adults. Also, everyone received lunch before they left the activity.

Participated in a water project which consisted of a 1-mile round-trip hike to collect water in a 3-gallon jug in a mountain village (Suquinay) that only receives running water 1 day per week.  The rest of the week they must hike to collect their own water from a watering hole.  The team took their collected water to 2 different homes, where elderly people lived, to help them with their water supply.  (This was a voluntary activity which was going on simultaneously with another activity.)
Taught and ministered to a women’s group in Suquinay, as well as served them breakfast.


Conducted a clothes giveaway.  Over 500 people came to receive clothes.


Participated in door-to-door ministry, which included praying for the needs of the people, and blessing them with rice, beans, and small toys and candy for the children.
Preached and prayed for many people in 7 different churches throughout the week.  Many healings and some salvations were reported from these services. 


We are excited to announce the 2025 Missions Trip to Jalapa, Guatemala on June 20-27, 2025.  We have reserved 20 tickets with the airline, and it is now time to sign up, on a first-come, first-serve basis.  The sign-up deadline is March 19, 2025, or until all tickets are gone.  The total cost of the trip is $1800 (15-20 person team), or $1900 (1-14 person team). 
Don’t wait to sign up, as we expect a full team again this year.  There is a $100 non-refundable deposit due at the time you sign up to go.
The trip is life-changing, and not one person has ever regretted their decision to GO!