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Our small group, Prophetic Activation, was led by Lydia Collins, Sandra Harper, Barbara Gaston, and me. We began with the basic study of biblical prophetic teachings and activations. All the participants were given compiled packets of information for group activities to study from. Recommended resources were displayed for reading and reflection purposes as well. 

 Teaching the prophetic consisted of---what is prophesy according to the Bible, ways to hear from God, prophetic cautions warnings and protocol. This was incorporated to raise awareness in the procedures used at Grace House and many other churches in releasing a prophetic word before the congregation and to individuals. Teaching how to maintain order and to honor the integrity of the flock was discussed. Activation of these tools followed by a demonstration as the group was encouraged to attend a night of prayer and prophetic words facilitated by Pastor Eddie Lawrence at Grace House

 A video conference with Joni Ames was conducted. The demonstration Joni gave by way of prophetic encouragement to individuals, gave a modern unique twist in the presenting of prophetic words. Then, activations followed by the using of prophetic tools in smaller groups to inspire confidence in hearing from the Lord and to give a word of hope and encouragement to one another. The exercises consisted of one-on-one prophetic ministering, musical chairs as a backdrop for blind eye prophesying and lastly, groups of four to five gave a word they discerned to all participants.

  Other activities were done as well with testimony and reflection as a whole group. Hearing the positive feedback of the over-all group teachings and activations helped leaders to discern that this is a biblical study that sparked lots of interest. We are looking forward to more of this type of discipling.