I believe in GOD ENCOUNTERS. The Bible is filled with such stories. God can do in a moment what a thousand lifetimes of our efforts could never accomplish. How humbling it is to consider that the Lord Himself desires to move and work through our lives and does so. Please understand, I am not saying to chase an experience; I'm saying, hunger after God and you will be filled. It is His presence we were originally created to experience. Isn't that what it will be like once this world as we know it concludes and God completes His plan of the ages? I'm excited about teaching Sunday on GOD ENCOUNTERS. I'm praying that many people will have their own encounters with God.
The Early Church was full of stories of God saving, healing, delivering, powerfully answering prayer, and proving HIS faithfulness....even in the midst of extreme persecution and difficulty. He is the God of the "Breakthrough". May He break through our fear, doubt, and unbelief and encounter us with His presence and power. The world is in a mess; but, I'm believing for miracles in the middle of the mess. JESUS IS THE ANSWER. Holy Spirit have your way. Join me in praying, expecting, and believing for Heaven to invade our churches, our region and our lives. How do we know when this happens? People are saved, healed, delivered, filled with the Spirit, discipled, and grow into the likeness of Jesus Christ and walk in love bearing the fruit of His Spirit while leading others to Jesus