The power of the blood of Jesus has a direct impact on our conscience and our thoughts. The Bible teaches that the atonement provides a cleansing of our conscience that cannot be found by any other means. In simple terms, we no longer have to be enslaved by sin energized patterns of thinking and decision making. The finished work of Jesus on the cross provides for us a new and living way of thinking that is divested of sin's power to hold us in the throes of guilt and shame. We can reign in life through Christ and our thoughts can rest on a foundation of righteousness instead of sin. As a believer, if you struggle with constantly feeling condemned and shameful and you are bombarded with thoughts of guilt and worthlessness, then this revelation in God's Word will help you and bring freedom. If you deal with a mocking voice in your mind that constantly harasses you, there is help and hope for you. We overcome by the blood of the lamb!